Rawlco Radio and the MacKenzie Art Gallery Free Admission Evening
Join us to celebrate the opening of Audie Murray: To Make Smoke paired with a Rawlco Radio and the MacKenzie Art Gallery Free Admission Evening! Enjoy free access to all second-floor galleries featuring Audie Murray: To Make Smoke and The Multiple Lives of Paintings: European Painting 1500— 1800. Learn about these exhibitions with hourly public tours with our friendly Gallery Facilitators. Explore your creativity in the BMO Learning Centre with art activities for all ages, located on the main floor past security.
Visit the MacKenzie Shop for a wide selection of thoughtfully curated items and enjoy an unforgettable culinary experience at Craft Services Café by Crave.
Artist Conversation
The artist conversation will be hosted in the Shumiatcher Theatre from 7 PM – 8 PM, followed by a special performance by Matthew Cardinal within the Audie Murray: To Make Smoke exhibition space from approximately 8 PM – 8:30 PM. Matthew will perform a live interpretive response to the exhibition in the space. A reception in Craft Service Cafe by Crave will follow.