Education Resources
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MacKenzie Publications
The MacKenzie Art Gallery creates a wide variety of exhibition catalogues and educational tools available for purchase.
View our Available Publications list.
To purchase an exhibition catalogue contact the MacKenzie Shop or call (306) 584-4270.
For permission to reproduce content from a MacKenzie publication (or for information about out-of-print publications), contact Marie Olinik, Collection Coordinator.
Exhibition Resources

The Permanent Collection: Whispers from the Vault
Download the PDF
Shary Boyle: Outside the Palace of Me
Download the PDF

Ithin-eh-wuk: we place ourselves at the center
James Nicholas and Sandra Semchuk
2020 – 2021

Divya Mehra
From India to Canada and Back to India (There is nothing I can possess which you cannot take away)
2020 – 2021

Across the Turtle's Back
The Kampelmacher Memorial Collection of Indigenous Art
2016 – 2017

Outreach Exhibition Catalogues
The Saskatchewan Art Progress Show, 1880–1950
Fine Form – Saskatchewan Ceramics
For Emily: Visual Art and the Poetry of Emily Dickenson
Learning from Leonardo: The High Realist Legacy in Canadian Art
Captured: A Look at Portraiture
Educational institutions, teachers and students can use, modify, reproduce and distribute the educational resources on this site, with appropriate recognition and acknowledgments, without having to request permission, for educational, non-commercial purposes.
Many of the images throughout this website are protected by the Artist’s copyright. The MacKenzie secures contracts with Artists outlining the right of the MacKenzie to photograph, reproduce or distribute an artist’s work for the purposes of promoting the exhibition and/or the MacKenzie Art Gallery. Images may not be reproduced and distributed outside the context of the MacKenzie publications, without the express permission of the Gallery.
To request permission to reproduce resources for commercial purposes or to reproduce images outside the context of MacKenzie Publications contact Marie Olinik, Collection Coordinator.