The Synthetic Age

8 December 2012 – 14 April 2013

The Synthetic Age: Fine Arts Faculty at the University of Regina and First Nations University of Canada

December 8, 2012 – April 14, 2013

Opening Reception
Friday, January 18, 2013 at 7:30 pm l Free admission

The opening celebration of The Synthetic Age: Fine Arts Faculty at the University of Regina and First Nations University of Canada and MAGDANCE 2 featuring “wolf tone”, a new performance by New Dance Horizons’ Artistic Director, Robin Poitras, with a reception to follow.


Synthetic Age Film Screening

Saturday, January 19 at 2 pm | Free Admission

A series of short films connected to the exhibition The Synthetic Age.


University of Regina Fine Arts Presentation Series at the MacKenzie Art Gallery

Click here for a list of the University of Regina Fine Arts presentations.


We live in an increasingly synthetic world. Fields are sown with genetically modified crops, the clothes on our backs are polyester blends, our relationships are increasingly virtual, most of what we touch is manufactured. Our synthetic age, with its increasing air of unreality, is a result of creative imagination, the human compulsion to draw out relationships, to form narratives, or to realize as-of-yet undiscovered possibilities.

As specialized institutions devoted to such activities, universities are also synthetic environments. As places for synthesis — for the discovery of hidden relationships and the creation of new ones — universities are also commonly described as existing apart from “the real world”. Art inhabits a similarly abstracted territory.

This exhibition of work by the University of Regina and First Nations University of Canada’s Fine Arts Faculty provides an opportunity to reflect on the role that both institutions play in shaping our cultural lives and how changes in this group of influential artists and researchers affects and mirrors changes within our broader community. The exhibition includes work in a variety of media representing over 25 faculty members and instructors from the departments of Theatre, Media Production and Studies, Music, Interdisciplinary Studies, and Visual Art.

A partnership between the MacKenzie Art Gallery and the Faculty of Fine Arts at the University of Regina and First Nations University of Canada. Organized with the support of the Canada Council for the Arts, Saskatchewan Arts Board, the City of Regina, and the University of Regina.

Top image: David Garneau, Dancer I (detail), 2012, oil and acrylic on canvas.

University of Regina Fine Arts Presentation Series

Lectures, Screenings and Performances, Free Admission

Tuesday, January 22
at 7 pm

Charity MarshCanada’s Hip Hop Nation(s): Imagined Communities, Diasporic Identities, and Youth Empowerment

Tuesday, February 5 at 7 pm

Dominic GregorioLiederabend: A recital of German Art Song featuring works by Beethoven, Schumann, Schubert, Brahms and Mahler

Tuesday, March 5 at 7 pm

Ian Campbell – Film / Music Performance

Tuesday, March 19 at 7 pm

Sarah AbbottFilm Screening: In the Minds of All Beings: Tsogyal Latso of Tibet

Tuesday, April 2 at 7 pm

Christine Ramsay – The Double and David Cronenberg
