Weekly We-Make: Building Blocks

About the Weekly We Make Activity

The Architect that Inspired Us

Croquis architectural du futur bâtiment de la Bibliothèque publique de Regina. Le dessin au crayon montre une structure moderne, basse, avec de grandes fenêtres et entourée d'arbres. Une voiture et quelques personnes sont représentées au premier plan, ce qui met en valeur le design du bâtiment.
Dessin architectural de la bibliothèque publique de Regina. Le projet représente un bâtiment rectangulaire moderne avec de grandes fenêtres et un toit plat. Des personnes sont représentées près de l'entrée et une voiture est garée sur le trottoir. L'œuvre est signée par Izumi, Arnott et Sugiyama, architectes et ingénieurs.

Kiyoshi Izumi is a Japanese-Canadian architect who lived and worked in Regina, Saskatchewan. He designed the Saskatchewan Centre of the Arts (Conexus Arts Centre) and the Regina Public Library Central Building with his partners Gordon Arnott and James Sugiyama.

Izumi lived through World War II and its aftermath. This was a difficult and complicated time for Japanese people in Canada. Despite this, Izumi and his partners made significant contributions to the architectural heritage and cultural landscape of Saskatchewan.

About Modern Architecture

Modernism is about experimenting, trying new things, and moving towards the future. It spans all kinds of art, from painting to architecture.
Modern architecture is a response to fast population growth in cities. These designs are usually thoughtful about materials and usefulness. Because of this, Modern architecture can look very different from place to place.

For more information about treaties, visit otc.ca.

Studio Activity

Design a floor plan with LEGO of a building from the future.


  • Mixed LEGO bricks
  • LEGO plate
  • Drawing materials (paper, pencils, and markers)


On a LEGO plate, use LEGO bricks to design a floor plan. You can build a house or any other kind of building, like a library or an airport. Think about making something new or different. Keep in mind how imaginary future people will move around inside your building. What kind of lives do they live? What are they doing inside your building?

Test out different floor plans. Feel free to build something just to try it. If it doesn’t work, try again. Be imaginative and play around! Keep testing new designs until you come up with something that you like and that excites you.


Test out different floor plans. Feel free to build something just to try it. If it doesn’t work, try again. Be imaginative and play around! Keep testing new designs until you come up with something that you like and that excites you.


When you’re done, draw your design on a piece of paper to take home.

Please leave the LEGO behind for future artists to play and experiment with.

Things to think about

  •  How do people move inside a building?
  • How does the design of a building change depending on what it’s used for?