The MacKenzie Art Gallery has now ReOpened
The MacKenzie Art Gallery is pleased to reopen our doors to the community once again
We are committed to offering a safe environment that continues to foster creativity and transformative experiences for our guests, and we will continue to offer online programming and events with plans to gradually return to in-person events as soon as it’s safe to do so! If you would like to know more about current programming we are offering, please visit
Please note there have been a number of changes implemented for the health and safety of the public as well as our staff:
- The MacKenzie’s hours of operation have changed in order to facilitate heightened cleaning procedures. Our hours are 10 AM to 5:30 PM from Wednesday to Saturday, and Sundays from 12 PM to 5:30 PM. We will be closed Mondays and Tuesdays, and will no longer be open late on Thursdays.
- NEW! For seniors and those who are immune-compromised (and their companions): Wednesday mornings between 10 AM and 12 PM the Gallery will be reserved exclusively for you.
- Timed ticketing is now being offered to ensure social distancing and comfort. Online and in-person tickets will be available on a first-come, first-serve basis, and includes both member and non-member admission. Admission prices for adults is $10, while youth 17 and under remain free. Visitors are encouraged to bring a digital copy of this ticket to the Gallery rather than a paper version. The Gallery is implementing hourly visitor capacity limits in order to ensure we are complying with social distancing and government health guidelines.
- Craft Services Café will be temporarily closed until further notice.
- The MacKenzie Gallery Shop will be reopen alongside the Gallery for your convenience.
- Safety Measures: Masks are required for anyone entering the Gallery, and visitors are asked to maintain two metres of distance from staff and other visitors. Complimentary masks and hand sanitizer will be available. We have redesigned our exhibition spaces on the second floor to ensure our shows meet these guidelines, and there will be increased signage around the MacKenzie to help.
- Increased cleaning measures will be implemented in order to keep our spaces sanitized. As a result, there are a number of spaces and activities that are not available to the public.
The following are temporarily unavailable to the public:
- In person facilitated group tours of exhibitions
- Facility Rentals – The MacKenzie Art Gallery facility rental program is closed at this time due to COVID-19 and will remain closed until further notice. The Gallery will consider all Government of Saskatchewan and Saskatchewan Health Authority guidance to inform a re-opening date.
- Public on-site events of groups over 30
- Some exhibition spaces remain temporarily closed to the public
- BMO Learning Centre self-guided art activities
- Public access to Craft Services Café and café washrooms
- Public strollers are not available for use